HCM Mind by Hinata Claudia Marantika. Happy Reading and Dont forget to Follow. Thank you :)

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Just want to write something

Hey, sup?

Here i just want to write for i don't know what.

Maybe write the only one way for me to get myself talk about anything, maybe. For a couple back before i get myself looked aroung and wonder, learned too. About anything in life. About around. About me.

And i. i don't know what again to wtide here. Afternoon guys. Happy sunday. I'll back later.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

I'm surrender

 Saya menyerah dengan cara yang Tuhan inginkan. Bahwa kehidupan saya bukan lah seutuhnya milik saya. Seseorang pernah berkata, "Tuhan memang memberikan jalan, tapi kita yang memutuskan.". Dia benar, namun nyata yang saya terima membuktikan bahwa segala yang Tuhan berikan adalah yang terbaik. bila harus segala sesuatu ada, maka saya serahkan kepada Tuhan. Biar Tuhan yang merancang, bukan saya, bukan dia, bukan mereka. Saya disini akan menjalankan dengan sebaik baiknya.

Tuhan, biarlah kau semakin besar dan besar di dalam hidupku, biar rancanganmu yang berlaku untuk kehidupanku. Karena aku percaya, kuasamu nyata ya bapak, kau besar, kau baik, keadilan dan pertolonganmu nyata. kau tidak pernah meninggalkan ku diam. Tuhan terima kasih, terima kasih atas setiap kasih setia mu, kau ajarkan aku untuk mengasihi layaknya engkau, kau membentukku menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik, kau menguatkan aku Tuhan, bahwa sesungguhnya tanpamu aku bukanlah apa apa. Kuatku adalah darimu. Biarku hidup di dalammu dan kau di dalamku Tuhan. Tuhanku Yesus, terima kasih, atas setiap kesempatan dan setiap segala sesuatu yang terjadi dalam kehidupanku, terima kasih kau memberi aku kesempatan untuk bisa menolong, untuk bisa bermanfaat, pakai aku Tuhan, agar hidupku dapat menjadi berkat untuk setiap mereka di sekitarku. Terima kasih ya bapak, terima kasih. Aku percaya bahwa di setiap langkah ku ada engkau yang menemaniku, terima kasih atas kasih dan pengorbanan yang kau berikan untuk menebusku, terima kasih untuk setiap berkat yang kau berikan, kau terangi jalanku, aku percaya, aku percaya ya Tuhan, hingga kau datang kembali untuk menjemput semua dari pada kami, di dalam nama Tuhan Yesus Kristus aku percaya dan aku berdoa, amin.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020


Thanks for the living dream. It beautiful even just for awhile. Even fake. I really appreciate it.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Lord in My Life

 Its not a luck. NO! It bless and love. I believe in God. Thank you Jesus that you always with me in every single my breath, my heart beat and my step you always there. You love me even when i'm not worth your love, you did, you do. Your love and faith are true. You teach me a lot thing in life. You live in me. Thank you for standing that strong with me. you give me your power, you give me your live, it more than anything, Jesus thank you. Thank you for everything, You are good, more, you are great and big for me. I love you Jesus. In Christ i live, i grow, i believe. and in Jesus name, Amen.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020


 i dont know what will happen next. Mungkin Kita akan bercerita besok. Atau lusa. Atau ntah. Atau tidak sama sekali. Mungkin mimpi hanya sekedar mimpi. Mungkin. Mungkin tidak ada yang berarti. Mungkin Kita hanya sebuah cerita yang di tuliskan oleh seseorang pada dimensi lain. Mungkin. Mungkin sang penulis tidak bermaksud menjadikan ini Dramatis. Namun sesuatu memang butuh tangis untuk kemudian di rilis. Mungkin. Mungkin. Mungkin.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Thursday, August 20, 2020

i'm sorry

 i just tried to call you. i'm sorry. i can't made it. i'm bothering you. i'm sorry, i can't be that srong to face this, tav. i can't walk away i can't. i'm here in my room. hiding. when i'm out, i'm pretend nothing happened. i'm pretend i'm ok. i'm dying tav. i need you. what should i do? what shoul i do? how many time i need to beg you? don't you believe? i'm here. i'm waiting. i'm here. look at me. please, look at me. i'm sorry i'm stupid. i'm sorry for broke your life. i'm sorry that i'm not good enough.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

still waiting

 I'm here at my room, dark, blank, and silent. no one knows what happen, no one knows i'm broken. what they know, i'm just totally fine. i'm not spoke up. and i think you do. i just can't. i can't talk about it. i'm sick. dying. i don't know bout you there. but you said, you oke without me. and i'm stil wating, i stil believe.i wish you can feel my hearth. i wish you can see me. but i don't know. I just pray. i push myself to keep wuiet. no bothering you too much. step by step, one text or chat a day. i know you didn't need that, i'm sorry to keep doing it until today. i writed here all because i know i can't say it all to you, it will make you sick and mad. i just want to pull it out. i'm waiting you all the time. i never go anywhere. i still believe. i'm here. i'm here, i always here. I love you, Tav.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Bara du

 In every moment, it's only and always you. I don't know how to say without bother and make you pissed. I don't know how. You get me silent, and I got you silent. We questioning a lot of thing. I believe in US. I believe we can through everything. But you didn't. You said, 'Yeah you could, but i'm not. It killing me.'. Then i didn't knew how to say after. I can't give up, even now. I'm still waiting. I do. I don't know what you thinking over there, how your day run, I even can't imagine. I'm here so silent. Can't talk bout this to somebody, because i believe, you just need a lil time to break. We will be ok, right. I know you love me. you just tired, we all do. It's ok to take a break down your feeling sometimes. I'll always wait. I'm here.

Aug 18'20

 is this day 1?


bcs i still here, not just hopping, im here, waiting.

what should i do?

how about there?

is there good?

i'm scared. i do.

i cant let go.

i stay.

i'm sorry.

Monday, August 17, 2020


 what exactly am i wanna say is

im talking to myself right now in mind. so random. yeah, dont know what exactly im thinking. it feel a bit warm on my cheek , and heavy on my cheast. i wanna pull my voice out. but im end silent. my hands a bit shaking. yeah im not feel good. but im still quiet.

hey, what life exacly like? im grateful for my living, i do. i just get question sometimes. why to many things like the point that put me in the wrong pin. am i a trash? if it yeah, why am i have a feeling, why i need to be a thinker? why it not dead and i can live without anything?

for the voice in my head say, we belive. we believe. we believe. no matter that we need to be a dead person. we believe.

Sunday, June 14, 2020


it kind of a diary, myb.
i just got my 26 for the number of the age of mine. quite old huh? bit.
on those day, i was so grateful and happy, yeah i was. it was a day that i really glad that happened. the day that felt like, yeah not just goes. it was a simple great random moment. yeah, thank you, Tav.
then the day after, it still felt nice. yeah kind a normal with a bit sweetness and 'love' if i can say.
then today it gone to be a thing like, what? oh yeah, i forgot something in my birthday, even its not that important myb, but sometimes it need. we can say like we pray for ourself for the next, not just accepting a words for those who said happy birthday to you. yeah, i forget. and i guess today is the time. better late than nothing you tried, isn't?
i want to get myself back like, strong, out and also the inside.. ok, that's it.
and yeah feel more grand after write this down. thanks.
i will delete it after a view days.
good night.